Session 1: Orientation
March 22, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)

Presenter: Erin Mitchell, Council, Advisers & Cultural Support
During this Virtual Session, trainees will have the opportunity to meet one another and briefly introduce themselves to the circle. An overview of the 7 months we will spend together will be presented. It will be an important time to discuss all the "HOM-Keeping"(house-keeping items) and
answer any remaining questions
Session 2: Opening Ceremony
with Elder Minnie Kenoras Grinder,
JoAnn Buffalo, Rain & more
March 24, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)

During this Virtual Session, HOM will hold Ceremony for the brave women who have stepped forward to take the 2022 Facilitator training. In a Traditional way, together we will open the course of the next 7 months in prayer. We will honour the Ancestors, our circle of Life-givers and all of our Missing and Murdered sisters and relatives and their families. In Sacred circle, we will go forward in a good way.

Session 3: How the World We Used to Live In
Became Now; The Origins of MMIWG
Presented by: Rain
March 29, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)

The origins of what we now classify as MMIWG will be traced back to pre-contact, when Indigenous societies lived within the embrace of the sacred, a lifeway conducted in reverence for the feminine which was reflected in the positions of esteem women held in a multitude of cultures. From the moment of Euro-contact, a pattern to defile the sacred feminine in every aspect was established and has been continually reinforced through colonial and patriarchal imposition and continues to the present. To address MMIWG, it is imperative to see from an eagle eye's view how Indigenous tragedies are all connected and to recognize how that “vicious cycle” from “contact” manifests today.
Session 4: Processing Circle
March 31, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)

During this Virtual Session, trainees will gather in circle with Elder/cultural support to have a safe space to share what's on their hearts and to digest and process the previous presentation. It is a time for breathing, reflection and connection.

Sessions 5 & 6: Cultivating Safe Spaces
Presented by: Elaine Alec
April 5, 2022, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM (PST)
April 7, 2022, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM (PST)
As part of this extensive and in-depth training you will learn:
The four necessary conditions required for cultivating safe space;
Understanding Self
Love-Based Practice
The four protocols for cultivating safe spaces;
Promote Inclusion
Promote Validation
Promote Well-being
Promote Freedom
You will also receive a detailed overview of the powerful Vicarious Trauma & Resiliency training which focuses on stress, trauma and how to promote resiliency.
Throughout this training, Elaine shares stories and examples that are both inspiring and thought-provoking.

Session 7 & 8: Processing Circles
April 12, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
April 14, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)

Session 9 & 10: Lateral Violence and
How it Undermines Our Greatest Strength
Presented by Annita Mcphee
April 19, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
April 26, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
During these Virtual Sessions, trainees will gather in circle with
Elder/cultural support to have a safe space to share what's on their
hearts and to digest and process the previous presentations.
It is a time for breathing, reflection and connection.

Lateral Violence undermines the web of sisterhood, Traditional ways, sovereignty and power. Annita will create a safe place for trainees to explore what lateral violence is, provide an overview of its historical root causes and prepare trainees for how to respond when they themselves or others whom they love experience attacks in the form of 'lateral violence'. When we understand where it comes from, we are able to maintain our center and choose our responses instead of reacting, causing further trauma in ourselves and communities. She'll offer examples of healthy ways to communicate to stop the cycle of trauma, how to de-colonize the way we talk to ourselves and each other.
Session 11 & 12: Processing Circles
April 21, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
April 28, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)

During these Virtual Sessions, trainees will gather in circle with
Elder/cultural support to have a safe space to share what's on their
hearts and to digest and process the previous presentations.
It is a time for breathing, reflection and connection.

Session 13: Retreat Preparation for 1st hour
Q&A and Processing Circle for 2nd hour
Presented by: Faculty Members Leading Retreat
May 3, 2022, 5:30 - 7:30 PM (PST)

Meet James Holt from the Buffalo Field Campaign which is the location of our Camp in West Yellowstone. Spend time with some of the Faculty who will be leading the Yellowstone Retreat. Learn how to prepare and what you'll need to bring with you for this Sacred gathering and have the opportunity to get clarity on any loose ends.

Session 14: Honoring our MMIP Relatives
Presented by: Maestra Grace Alvarez Sesma
May 5, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
Maestra Grace Sesma will hold a prayer ceremony to honor the relatives and loved ones of both the trainees and members of the HOM circle who are victims of the tragedy. Trainees and participants will be invited to “say their names” and share pictures or some words about their loved ones. If you have a relative or loved ones who have been taken by this tragedy, you will be welcomed to share if you feel called.
She will close with powerful prayers for the trainees and participants in the circle, to have protection, strength and healing to be able to continue being warriors, stepping forward to save lives in our individual and collective work in prevention of MMIP and in the reclamation of thriving Indigenous communities.

Session 15 & 16:
Physical and Verbal Self-Defense: Level 1
Presented by: Turtle Mountain Empowerment
& Self-Defense & Shanda Poitra
May 10, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
May 12, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)

Turtle Mountain ESD classes not only teach physical techniques, but also provide verbal and mental skills for violence prevention and de-escalation, how to be assertive with your voice and body language, setting boundaries, and provide emotional and practical support specifically for Indigenous women.
Session 17: Indigenous Women Warriors
Presented by: Elder Casey Camp-Horinek & Rain
May 17, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)

Rain will give biographical narratives of several Indigenous women warriors in History from different Tribes and First Nations. Casey will share how to walk the path of an Indigenous Woman Warrior today. She'll weave in concepts of Traditional perspective on sacred masculine and feminine balance.

Session 18 & 19: Processing Circles
May 19, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
May 24, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)

During these Virtual Sessions trainees will gather in circle with
Elder/cultural support to have a safe space to share what's on their
hearts and to digest and process the previous presentations.
It is a time for breathing, reflection and connection.

Session 20
Healthy Relationships, Boundaries & Communication
May 26, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
Presented by: Celina Montoya-Garcia

Celina's powerful wisdom comes through with her words, care and heart. She will present on "Healthy Relationships", offering activities around compassionate communication with our loved ones and relatives. Also, in doing MMIR work, she'll offer practices and bring awareness to 'affirmative consent' to help build resiliency skills and personal values. She will offer a healing meditation to help ground and balance our body, mind, emotions and Spirit.
HOM's 2022 Healing Retreat in Yellowstone
at the Buffalo Field Campaign Camp in
West Yellowstone, MT
June 1st -June 6th

Land is Sacred, Bodies are Sacred
“Your body is a definition of sovereignty. Your mind is a definition of sovereignty. When they come for you they violate both, whether it’s in the physical, spiritual, or intellectual realms. It was that way with the land when we all perceived the Earth to be our Life-giver and not real estate to be owned. It was that way with our beliefs birthed from our ancestors’ original dreams. Now we have forgotten that our bodies are sacred land.” by Rain from "As the Buffalo Go"
Shoshone Bannock Traditional Land Acknowledgement
Sacred Site Visits & Tours
Re-Membering: Women's Return to Wholeness
Indigenous Food Sovereignty & Security w/ Gather Documentary's featured Master Chef, Nephi Craig
Ceremonial Sweat Lodge
Healing Through Story
The 4 Day Healing Retreat, our Facilitator trainees will connect to the Sacred Beings, the Land, Themselves and their Own Personal Story as a path to Healing.
We are being hosted by the Buffalo Field Campaign for our 2022 Retreat in Yellowstone!

Sessions 21: Processing Circles
June 14, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
June 16, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
During this Virtual Session, trainees will gather in circle with
Elder/cultural support to have a safe space to share what's on their
hearts and to digest and process the in-person healing retreat.
It is a time for breathing, reflection and connection.

Session 22 & 23 : Physical and Verbal Self-
Defense: Level 2
Presented by: Turtle Mountain
Empowerment & Self-Defense w/
June 21, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
June 23, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)

Turtle Mountain ESD classes not only teach physical techniques, but also provide verbal and mental skills for violence prevention and de-escalation, how to be assertive with your voice and body language, setting boundaries, and provide emotional and practical support specifically for Indigenous women.
Session 24: Dynamics of Human Trafficking
Presented by: Marty Antone
June 28, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)

Marty will present on the dynamics of the human trafficking criminal enterprise. In the Spirit of Knowledge is Power, he will describe the manipulative tactics predators use on the ground and on Social Media with our youth, women and vulnerable people in general. He will share practical and powerful ways you can protect yourself, your children and your community from these heinous acts.
Session 25: Processing Circle
June 30, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
During this Virtual Session trainees will gather in circle with
Elder/cultural support to have a safe space to share what's on their
hearts and to digest and process the previous session.
It is a time for breathing, reflection and connection.

Session 26: The MMIP Maze in Indian Country
Presented by: Marty Antone
July 5, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
Using over 30 years of experience, Marty understands the loopholes, blocks and challenges our Nations face as it pertains to acknowledging, addressing and ending the MMIP crisis in Indian Country. He will share powerful insights that will help us see the larger picture that's necessary if we are to end the victimization of our people across Turtle Island. Marty will explain what’s really going on underneath MMIW. He'll help us map pathways to solutions, proactively addressing the MMIP maze.
Session 27: Processing Circle
July 7, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
During this Virtual Session trainees will gather in circle with
Elder/cultural support to have a safe space to share what's on their
hearts and to digest and process the previous session.
It is a time for breathing, reflection and connection.

Session 28 & 29:Community Leadership
Presented by Native Wellness Institute w/ Special
Guest; Chief Clarence Louie author of "Rez Rules"
July 12, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
July 14, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
The Native Wellness Institute will help prepare trainees on how to be effective community leaders in Indian Country. In these powerful intensive training sessions, NWI will present on building teams, historical trauma and historical wisdom, trauma informed healing, what Traditional leadership looks like, how to overcome challenges in leadership, leadership development and the direct connection between self-care and giving.

Session 30: HOM Framework for Facilitating and
Summer Closing
Presenter: Erin Mitchell & Lovina Louie
July 19, 2022 5:30-7:30 PM
HOM Council will review the framework and conditions for Trainees upcoming 6 gatherings in their own communities. The 6 session topics will be discussed, time-frames, possible ways to deliver sessions and more. There will be plenty of time for Q&A so that trainees have a strong understanding of how to move forward with planning and marketing thier events.
Session 31: Make-Up Session for anyone who missed "Re-Membering" Presentation by Grace Sesma in Yellowstone
July 21, 2022 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
During this Virtual Session trainees will have an opportunity to get clarity or ask any last questions related to their upcoming presentations in the Fall. We'll then move to have trainees share examples of how they have experienced or observed environmental racism in their own communities and we will have a prayerful close before our 4 week summer break to send everyone off in a good way and end the curriculum portion of the HOM training.

4 Week Summer Break
July 22, 2022 - August 22, 2022

Session 32 & 33: Preparation
& Practice; Becoming an HOM ESD Facilitator in Your
Own Community
Presented by: LoVina Louie
Aug 23, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
Aug 25, 2022, 5:30-7:30 PM (PST)
During these important sessions, trainees should come prepared to practice presenting different elements of what they will facilitate during their own community sessions. Trainees should be prepared to practice in the group;
1) Land Acknowledgment and Opening
2) Introductions
3) What is HOM
4) Detailed Plan for their 6 Gatherings (How you plan to include the material you learned in your Holistic Medicine Wheel Presentations, Dates, Who from HOM will be present and Audience you plan to invite)
5) Offering a Healing Meditation, Tapping or Movement Break
6) Closing
They will share lesson plans, prepare and practice together, gaining confidence in their unique abilities and offerings and be able to facilitate and deliver a 6 part HOM Holistic Empowerment and Self-Defense series within their own communities.

Trainees are now ready to Facilitating their own
Empowerment and Self-Defense
Gatherings in their own communities!
Each trainee will Facilitate 6,
2 Hour Gatherings on the following Empowerment
& Self-Defense topics:
Youth Focus
Community Action
From August 28, 2022 - October 8, 2022

Graduation Ceremony
for the 2022 Facilitator Trainees who have fully completed the HOM coursework, assignments and curriculum.
October 11, 2022